Host an Intern

Be the change you want to see in our community while helping a young person build professional skills and hands-on experience for a career in tech. We see to it that they’re paid while you provide work experience & professional contacts that will pay off by building the tech talent workforce in the medium & long term.

  • Internship Period

    • To be mutually deteremined

  • Preparation

    • Code in the Schools provides preparation for interns, customized to your needs.

  • Intern Profile

    • Motivated high schools students (11th or 12th grade) or recent grads of Baltimore City Public Schools on vocational pathways in technology (IT, Computer Science or Cybersecurity) who have participated Code in the Schools’ after-school or summer programs are matched to you based on your needs & their skills.

We’d be love to work with you to design a mutually positive and productive experience. Past interns have served in roles as varied as customer behavior research; software quality assurance; hardware imaging & updates; data gathering, maintenance & integration; content migration; assessing performance of machine learning platforms; website design & updates; and IT support, among others. Please contact us to set up a time to discuss how a young Baltimorean can help you while you help them!