The Girls in CS Summit aims to expose middle and high school aged young women who have not traditionally had access to computer science education to a dynamic day of workshops, panels, and networking with leading industry professionals.
We hope that this event will catalyze their interest in computer science and serve as the first step in accessing further CS programming with Code in the Schools and other local organizations.
This event is FREE | Breakfast, Lunch and snacks will be provided
Girls in CS Summit is hosted by Johns Hopkins Carey Business School and Sponsored by AT&T
Lunchtime Panel Discussion
Location: Johns Hopkins Carey Business School
Date: Saturday, February 22, 2020 | 12:45PM – 2:30PM
Organizers: Code in the Schools, Johns Hopkins Carey Business School, and AT&T
Panel: What Computer Science Looks Like
Moderator: Shervonne Cherry; Director of Community and Partnerships at Spark Baltimore, Organizer at Baltimore Womxn in Tech
Mollye Bendell; Intermedia and Digital Sculpture Artist
Marissa Bush; Computer Science Student at Morgan State University
Sunny Jones; Software Engineer and iOS Developer (Freelancer)
Sydney McDonald; Member at Girls Who Code
Ashley Guchhait & Kyrstin Cooksey; Founders and Game Designers at Boba Studios
The panel will offer a unique platform specific to Baltimore’s computer science and arts community. This discussion will explore the gender disparity in CS and STEM fields, the way in which we explore and use computer science in our daily lives and what organizations and opportunities are available to youth in Baltimore.
The intention of this panel is to raise awareness about the computer science/STEM subject by showing various ways the field can be interpreted. It will also serve as a catalyst for youth to partner with local institutions and organizations to build a support network of young women to encourage and pursue a CS/STEM degree.
To Facilitate a Workshop
We are looking for professional women to facilitate one-hour workshops on a variety of computer science related topics during the summit. These workshops should show "What Computer Science Looks Like" and how we can start the conversation on bridging the gender gap in computer science and STEM education.
Deadline to submit: January 24, 2020
Workshop proposals are now closed
Meet Our Facilitators
Sarah Dietrich, Software Systems Engineer at Embedded Flight Systems Inc.
Joy Huggins, Founder and Head Mistress at Defender Academy
Gretchen LeGrand, Co-founder and CEO at Code in the Schools
Misha Isran, Tech Innovation and Economic Development Fellow at City of Baltimore
Deborah Kariuki, Computer Science Educator at the University of Maryland Baltimore County and Manager at Women in ComputingWIC
Angela Reninger, Executive Director at Morgan Stanley
Participant Registration
Spend the day learning “What Computer Science Looks Like” by leading women in the tech industry. Pick from a handful of interactive workshops from robotics, A.I., coding and more!
Join us for our lunch time discussion; we invite our workshop instructors, volunteers and participants to talk about navigating careers in computer science and bridging the gender gap by answering questions like, “Why do so few girls pursue computer science and STEM fields?” and “What needs to happen in education to expose more career options to young women?”.
**No computer science experience needed! | Open to girls in 6th–12th grade**
Deadline to register: February 14, 2020
Student registration are now closed
Volunteer Registration
We need your help!
We are looking for volunteers to help out in a non-technical capacity for our Girls in CS Summit. Know someone who’s interested, share the link below.
Deadline to register: February 12, 2020
Volunteer registrations are now closed