Spring ‘24: Program Information

The “Winning Team” Team looking for places to eat on the Hunt.

Program Calendar

Spring Prodigy 2024: February 5th - May 13th

Spring Showcase:May 13, 5pm-7pm

Program Location:

The Prodigy Program takes place at the Code in the Schools office located at 21 E. North Avenue, 2nd Floor, Baltimore, MD 21202. The building can be accessed via the following public transportation routes: 

Public Transit

LocalLink 51, 53, 79, 95
CityLink GREEN
CityLink GOLD
CityLink LIME
Charm City Circulator - Purple
MARC train to Penn Station
Lightrail stops: Penn Station, North Ave, UB/Mount Royal



The schedule for Prodigy is 4:00pm to 5:30pm with students arriving between 3:30pm and 4:00pm. The full schedule is listed below:

Daily Schedule:

3:00pm-3:30pm  ||  Students Arrive & Sign-In

3:30pm-4:00pm  ||  Student Snack Time

4:00pm-5:45pm  ||  Prodigy Instruction

5:45pm-6:00pm  ||  Clean-Up & Dismissal

6:00pm ||  Student Dismissal