Trainee Projects!

Advanced Game Development Track Overview

The Advanced Game Development program now takes everything and really puts our Developers to the test, having them break up into teams. Together they must manage their time, strengths, and deadlines; as they develop a game from scratch. Uploading an Alfa version to as their final goal. The only way to get batter at game development is to develop games, and in every course that's exactly what we are doing. Tailored for students with more programming experience to delve deeper into the intricacies of game development. Participants will refine their expertise and elevate their skills through weekly advising, instructional, and practice time.

Final Project

Advanced Game Dev worked together, as many teams at a Game Development Studio, to create a multi-player rogue-like game!

Trainees Explored:

  • Machine Learning Agents

  • Random Generation

  • Amazon AWS Game Lift Services