Trainee Projects!
CS Fundamentals Track Overview
Through the “30 Days in Space” challenges, students learned foundational computer skills, programmed Arduino microcontrollers, and constructed circuits. With the guiding question, “What functions of autonomous vehicles could effectively transform transportation in our city?“, students designed and prototyped control panels for autonomous vehicles. These control panels primarily consisted of sensors and other components that trainees programmed to perform the desired functions the vehicle would need. This hands-on experience fostered creativity, problem-solving, and collaborative skills. The completed projects involved students using GitHub to share their code and creating an Instructables document to show the community how to recreate their projects.
Over the summer, trainees designed and prototyped functional control panels for autonomous vehicles. Their tasks included researching the impact of autonomous technology, programming Arduino boards, and documenting their projects to share with the community.
The skills and knowledge trainees developed during CodeWorks included:
Foundational Computer and Programming Skills
Understanding of Arduino Microcontrollers
Understanding of Circuits
Problem-Solving and Collaboration Skills
Proximity Sensors
Team Members: Daniel, Hezekiah, Arden, Mark, Kamryn
This project focused on tracking the distance around their vehicle. Trainees created a module that utilized IR sensors to sound alarms using a passive buzzer and flash LEDs when objects were too close. They also integrated a keypad functioning as a security interface. To run the program, the correct code must be entered. As keys are pressed, the RGB LED flashes specific colors based on the correct PIN. Another part of the circuit is a photoresistor, which, when detecting low light levels, turns on an LED light (similar to automatic headlights).
Temperature Sensor
Team Members: Bridget, Hailee, Traniera, Samari, Mckenzie, Daniel
Trainees created a project to monitor the temperature of the vehicle’s interior cabin. They used a temperature sensor to get readings, and when the values were not within the threshold, a passive buzzer would sound and an RGB LED would flash. They also used a display to indicate whether it was too hot or too cold in the cabin.